community care

2 posts


Moving into April, I’m just finishing up an 8-week MBSR cycle at Mindful Leader. I’ve decided to put a hold on my upcoming offerings in the spring so that I can regroup and resource to get back to balance. It’s my intention to offer another MBSR cycle in the Fall.

Betsy stands in a yoga balance pose (Warrior III/Virabhadrasana III) on a beach
Betsy stands in a yoga balance pose (Warrior III/Virabhadrasana III) on a beach

In the meantime, there’s a brief meditation from me available for folks to enjoy on the Mindful Leader site. If you have any questions about upcoming offerings (or anything else) please reach out.

Summer 2020 cycle

Stress-free Summer? Is that even possible? Probably not, but you can learn some tools and practices to help reduce stress and relate differently to the challenges life brings. The next cycle of the 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course begins online via Zoom August 5, 2020. Join the free orientation session July 29th 6:30 pm EST to find out if the course is right for you now. For more information, contact

Upcoming Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course begins August 5, 2020
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction begins August 5, 2020