Fall fallow for future favor 2022

Late summer flowers: purple, white, yellow, maroon

This website has been dormant over the past few years. To be honest, I almost forgot about it completely. This site is used primarily for my MBSR classes and I’ve taken a long step back from teaching mindfulness practices for the time being.

Rather than delete the site, I’m inserting a placeholder here. I haven’t abandoned teaching MBSR, yoga or meditation practices, it just remains on pause for now. These practices are an essential part of my life and I believe they can be incredibly useful tools for people. In order for me to share them, I need supportive contexts in which to do so.

I hope to return to the practice of teaching some time in the future when conditions are more favorably aligned.

Summer 2020 cycle

Summer 2020 cycle

Stress-free Summer? Is that even possible? Probably not, but you can learn some tools and practices to help reduce stress and relate […]

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